Those Friendships and Cracks on Glass

If it happens and When it happens

“Whatever happened, there must be one thing you can still follow”

At least do not do that one thing to him, which the friend never did to you

At least do not use bad words, as he has never used any to you

At least give due respect to his space, where he has always respected yours

At least do not trouble with money, since he has never did to you on that

At least do not dishonor his love life, because he has not abused yours

At least do not excuse assistance, where he has always been proactive in offerings

At least do not insult his other relations, as he has never interfered yours

At least do not act violently, since he has been always polite with you

At least do not gossip about him, for he always kept your differences private

At least do not let his shoulders drop, if he always worked towards keeping yours high

At least do not go public, since he always checked one-o-one with you

“Protect yourself, your duties, your responsibilities, your worlds” from any harm, 

Though Forgive him” for 

For you know his family

For you know his mother

For all you received from him

For the time spent together

For he may not have complete understanding of the matter

For him to chose you as your friend at start

May the Friendship “Rest” In Peace, until there is a role to play

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